When Should You Assign a Worker's Compensation Case to a Lawyer?

28 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Suffering an injury at work can change your life completely. As such, it is always important to take the necessary precautions to ensure everything is handled amicably, particularly when it comes to compensation claims. Many people opt to handle the situation on their own, while others hire lawyers. Knowing when to hire a lawyer after the injury can be difficult, especially if it's your first time. Here are some tips you should consider to determine if you should lawyer up or not.

When not to get a compensation lawyer

Generally, you shouldn't lawyer up immediately if you get injured, but the situations may vary. For instance, you don't need a compensation lawyer if you suffered a minor injury that doesn't require extensive treatment, your employer acknowledges that the illness or injury is work-related, the injury isn't permanent or the insurance company has accepted the claim and is paying a fair amount.

When to hire a compensation lawyer

Things don't always work out as expected, and sometimes you may need to hire a compensation lawyer to get a fair settlement after an injury. Often, insurers like lowballing injured workers and forcing them to accept an insufficient settlement. Asking a lawyer to review your claim can help. Here are scenarios when you should consider getting a compensation attorney:

The employer has denied your claim or isn't paying promptly

One of the challenges people have after an injury is claim denial. Some employers choose to not compensate their workers after they suffer a work-related injury because they know that workers can't retaliate. Don't be a victim of the circumstance. Getting an attorney to work on your claim will give you a fair chance of getting the settlement you deserve. A lawyer will also be needed if your employer has said they will pay, but they aren't releasing the benefits promptly.

You are penalised for filing for a claim

Some employers retaliate against their injured employees when they file a compensation claim. Even if they agree to give the benefits, they can choose to punish you for the same by reducing your work hours, demoting you, reducing your pay, or discriminating against you. Do not hesitate to seek the services of a compensation lawyer when you find yourself in this predicament.

You had a pre-existing condition

An employer might refuse to pay for a work-related injury if you had a pre-existing condition at the same body part that was injured at work. Since you cannot handle the uphill battle the insurer will launch to avoid paying, you should consider hiring a compensation lawyer.